05 January 2011

New goals and a lot to learn....

What a day this was today.....I felt like I was running from the minute I woke up and I'm still coraling children and telling them to get back into bed.  When does it end?  Well, I made something kind of fun today!  Let me explain why I made it and what it is....

It's a composition book with fabric glued to it! 
You can make one too...it's simple. All you need is:
Composition Notebook
Glue Stick

That's it! I thought this fabric was perfect because it has words on it that say "simple" "make life Beautiful" "sunny" "Fun". This to me was the perfect fit for what I am going to be using this book for.  

I used the "Make Life" fabric I had left over from a baby quilt.  I thought it would be perfect because this is my new "photographic journal".  I have been given my first assignment from my best friend, who is a fabulous photographer..Sharee, because I really want to use this camera for more than point and shoot type pictures.  So, she is helping me learn all I can about my new camera.  She gave me the assignment to make this journal so I can record all I do with each shot or setting.  She told me to pay attention to the time of day, place, lighting with and without flash so I could learn how to see light through the lens. I think I need to go to St. George and spend some time with her in person actually.

Today, I received my new camera!  UPS brought me my Christmas! I am in love with the pictures I get from this camera... I am SO excited!  ::Squeee::

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